Dr Monique Hope Ross. Founder, Author and Chief Medical Officer at the Diet Whisperer. Diet and gut bug expert. Author. Ophthalmic Surgeon.

Dr Monique Hope-Ross
Founder and Chief Medical Officer

Dr Monique Hope-Ross

Dr Monique Hope-Ross is a surgeon, author and expert on weight loss, gutt bugs and intermittent fasting.

Dr Monique Hope-Ross was appointed to the Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital in 1993, where she specialised in retinal diseases related to metabolic ill health. After much success she co-founded the Diet Whisperer Foundation.

More about Monique

“The Diet Whisperer: The 12-Week Reset Plan” was co-written by Dr Monique Hope-Ross with her husband, Dr Paul Barrington Chell, a consultant ophthalmic surgeon. For decades they have successfully treated patients' metabolic eye diseases with nutrition and weight-loss. This new book has two keystones. Firstly, you will learn to lose weight rapidly by 'fat adapting' your body, teaching it how to preferentially burn fat. Secondly, you learn why people put weight on after (Yo-yo) dieting, empowering you to avoid the traps. The book has a food plan and recipes, guiding you through the 12-week reset plan. They also walk you through a chapter dispelling so many diet myths, with some real 'eureka' moments on the way. Both Paul and Monique have a network of followers worldwide. Their mission is simple. To help improve metabolic health and help people to lose weight quickly and permanently. And through their charity, The Diet Whisperer Foundation, spread the message to schools and children.

Outside of work Monique is a keen skier. She completed her first Ironman 140.6 in 2019 at the age of 59.

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