Diet Whisperers eating health food from our weight loss Recipes

The Diet Whisperer 12-Week Reset Plan

This new book includes over 40 recipes to try with your friend and family.

Lose up to 12 kg in 12 weeks, supercharge your metabolism reverse diabetes and harmonise your brain clock

Publisher Hodder and Stoughton, Hachette UK

Editor's Pick

Can Apple Cider Vinegar help with Weight Loss?
Can Apple Cider Vinegar help with Weight Loss?

Apple cider vinegar has a long pedigree, shrouded in mystery; a folklore remedy found in many cultures from the Babylonians to the Aryans to Samurai warriors, who used it for strength and power. More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates recognised its value as an antiseptic, and latterly, apple cider vinegar was used to treat wounds in the battle fields of WW1 and the US civil war. In recent years, people have explored its use in heart health, weight loss and diabetes.

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Is Organic Food Better for You?
Is Organic Food Better for You?

Organic food has differences to conventional food in term of safety, micronutrients and health. Discover the facts before you choose.

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How can I prevent Coronavirus with lifestyle changes?
How can I prevent Coronavirus with lifestyle changes?

The development of Covid-19 (coronavirus) and the progression of the disease is related to your health and well-being. We share tips on how to boost your immunity to Covid-19 and how to protect yourself and your family.

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